Minor PRP Referral Home Minor PRP Referral Minor PRP Referral Minor PRP Referral (PDF) or (Word) Consumer Name: * D.O.B: * Guardian Name: * Does the Parent/Guardian have legal custody (if minor)? * YesNo Address: * City State Zip Home Phone: * Cell# * Medical Assistance/Medicaid #: Is the individual eligible for full funding for Developmental Disabilities Administration services? YesNo Have family or peer supports been successful in supporting this youth YesNo No Is the primary reason for the youth’s impairment due to an organic process of syndrome, intellectual disability, a neurodevelopmental disorder or neurocognitive disor YesNo ICD-10 Primary Diagnosis * Code Diagnosing Clinician and Clinician Agency Current frequency of treatment provided to this individual * At least 1x/weekAt least 1x/2 weeksAt least 1x/monthAt least 1x/3monthsAt least 1x/6months How long has youth been engaged in active, documented outpatient treatment? * Less than one monthOne visit in the last three monthsTwo or more visits in the last three months Is the youth transitioning from an inpatient, day hospital or residential setting to the community setting? * YesNo Does the youth have a Target Case Management referral or authorization? * YesNo Has medication been considered for this youth? * Not consideredConsidered and Ruled Out Initiated and WithdrawnOngoingOther Comments: REFERRAL SOURCE Agency Name: * Contact Person Name: * Address: * Phone #: * Fax #: * Email Address: * Criteria for admission (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY AND COMMENT WHERE CHECKED) A clear, current threat to the individual’s ability to be maintained in his/her customary setting An emerging/pending risk to the safety of the individual or others Significant psychological or social impairments such as inappropriate social behaviors causing serious problems with peer relationships and/or family members Licensed Provider Completing this Application: Print Name: * Signature * Date *